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Bail Bondsman Wilmington NC - The poverty rate is approximately 20 percent. Researchers, professionals, and policy makers are looking for alternatives to high levels of incarceration and effective ways to reduce the chances of former prisoners returning to crime and prison. Some examples of these efforts are explored below. The temporary expansion of the safety net is not enough to help millions of Americans who still struggle with the economic and medical consequences of the pandemic.

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Congress must continue to invest in safety net programs and modernize them, ensuring that benefit levels are expanded and more accessible than before the crisis. You should also consider implementing automatic triggers that increase benefits during future economic crises, such as recessions, without the need for legislative intervention. Not only would this prevent people from falling into poverty while Congress discusses how much relief is needed, but having a system that automatically activates the expansion of benefits would also help to soften the blow of future recessions and stimulate the economy by giving money to people who desperately need it in a timely manner. Children in foster care have a higher risk of being involved in the criminal justice systems than their peers.

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The complicated and overlapping nature of the criminal justice system and the child welfare system means that participation in one is likely to cause participation in the other. There are currently more than 44,000 legal sanctions which create barriers for people with criminal records to find housing. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) appointed a committee of experts in criminal justice, social sciences and history to review research on incarceration. People are jailed for not paying criminal justice debts in courts across the country, regardless of their financial circumstances.

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Systemic poverty and the punishment of poverty through criminal justice bail bonding and child welfare systems are the result of poor political decisions. Bruce Western, Bryce Professor of Sociology and Social Justice and co-director of the Justice Laboratory at Columbia University, suggests that neither the police nor the courts nor the threat of punishment create public safety. State and local governments use for-profit probation providers in order to collect unpaid fees and fines. This criminalizes the poor. Local laws that are too broad on wandering, loitering, and camping can also lead to fines and arrests for homeless people. More recently there have been significant changes in bail bond policies.

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A minor criminal record, or an arrest without conviction, can also prevent a person getting a job, housing or certain benefits. This contributes to the cycle of poverty that affects multiple generations. It is well-documented that racism and systemic biases have a negative impact on the economy, especially in housing, education and the criminal justice system. This is largely due to government policies that are biased. The increase in incarcerations happened at a time when crime rates were historically low. In fact, the lowest homicide rates since the early 1960s. Therefore, the increase in criminal activities is not a plausible reason. In reality, the systems punish parents by expulsion and place children at risk for future criminal activity.

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Some researchers find links between high rates of incarceration among men of color and changes in policies that penalized the social problems faced by many people living in poverty (who are disproportionately people of color).
